The Birth of Gabriel Alexander | Springfield IL Birth Photographer

I first met April back in December, just a couple days before the new year.   We had spoken on the phone but never met in person.   When I went in to photographer her maternity photos,  I was struck by her sweet, genuine nature.  It was as though we had been friends for a long time.   April was a gorgeous pregnant mommy and I was so happy with the way her maternity pictures turned out.  Flash forward to early February, April and I met up for coffee to talk about her upcoming delivery.  As we planned for her delivery she mentioned that her mom would be there and that Gabriel’s dad would be home and off around her due date (he travels for work and is gone for long periods.)

February 25th, I get a text from April that her doctor thinks we are “still looking good” for her March 13th due date.  Four days later…..”in hospital” Yikes!   This baby is coming out!

When I arrived at the hospital around 10am April was getting her epidural and her mom and grandparents were in the waiting room. When I walked in April gave me her gorgeous smile and I felt like I was hanging out with family.   Gabriel’s dad was working west of St. Louis and he was on his way, but we weren’t sure if he would make it for the birth (Gabriel was 2 weeks early after all.)   Fortunately for April she had the support and love of her dear mother who drove in from Decatur and slept on the hospital couch the night April went in.

April’s doctor was busy so the on-call doctor was there to assist and he was a hoot.  He made everyone laugh with his occasional jokes.  10:45am and he decided to break her water.  Half an hour later, it was game time…time to start pushing.   April was a trouper.  You could tell that, while the epidural helped ease the pain,  the amount of work that pushing the baby out (combined with lack of sleep and food) was using up all the energy she had.  He mom gave her ice chips between contractions and was there to support her.  Finally Gabriel made his appearance at 11:51am.  I just adored his squishy little face.  Dad finally made it too, just a little bit after Gabriel came into this world.

Thank you April for allowing me to be there for such a special moment in your life.  Can’t wait to photograph Gabriel’s newborn portraits this Friday.

You can find Gabriel’s Birth Photography Slide Show HERE 


Hi there!

Victoria Kegg of Blue Daisy Art is a fresh and modern portrait photographer.  She specializes in birth, maternity, & infant photography, but also captures families and children.  Blue Daisy Art is based in Springfield, IL.


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