Session Dates & Locations
All sessions will take place in the early evening about an hour or so before sundown. There are a very limited number of sessions available. Select dates sold out.
Thursday September 15th– Lincoln ParkSaturday September 17th- Red Covered BridgeThursday October 6th- Long Grass & Tree LineMonday October 10th (Columbus Day)- Red Barn & White Country HouseSaturday October 15- Long Grass & Tree LineSunday October 16- Downtown Vintage Homes & CobblestoneSaturday October 29- Long Grass & Tree Line- Saturday November 5- Evergreen Tree Farm
** For planning purposes, indoor Christmas mini-sessions will be December 7-11, 2022! Those will be available for purchase the first week of October and for those who book a family outdoor mini-session, you will receive a discount on an indoor Christmas mini-session 🙂
Session Information
* These will be the ONLY outdoor family sessions that are available this fall (other than maternity sessions.)
* Includes 20 minute session, 10 high resolution images via a digital download, and a print release
* Exact start time of session may need to be moved slightly due to lighting and location and is at the discretion of the photographer
* Once payment is made, a detailed confirmation e-mail will be sent (including directions and clothing recommendations)
* Family sessions are for immediate family only
* Galleries will be available within 2 weeks after session
* Ability to purchase additional digital images and professional print products
Session cost: $400
How to reserve your session?
- Purchase your session online here: https://bluedaisyart.bigcartel.com/
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